
As Christians, we were never promised that this road would be easy or pain-free. In fact, many times it’s quite the opposite. As humans, we can’t help but wonder why we struggle with things or have to go through trials. For those of you who know me well, you know I’m a bit of a worrier. Actually, that’s an understatement. I’ve actually sent myself to the Emergency Room with an ulcer from worrying so much.  The biggest thing I worry...

Skin Care Basics

The number one thing to keep your skin looking young and healthy is never go to bed with a dirty face. Going to bed with your makeup on can age your skin up to seven times faster. For years, I didn’t take the best care of my skin and I reaped the casualties from it. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t be overwhelmed. Here are my top tips to get started on a skincare regimen. Always take your...

Disappointments Turned into Blessings

Have you ever had something you really wanted and thought it was going to be your path to take? It even seemed like everything was lining up perfectly … and then … it all fell apart? At the time it’s pretty devastating and you’re not really sure where to go or what even to do next? This happened to me as I was beginning my teaching career. I graduated college at the end of the fall semester which means there...

Holding Myself Back

Have you ever had the feeling like you could do so much more than you are doing right now? I think we all have. There are probably many different reasons why we do this. I remember something that happened when I was in college that made this so obvious to me. From about sixth grade on, I always tried to blend in, I didn’t want to be the center of attention, I didn’t want to have to talk to anybody...

How The Dogwood Diary got its Name

When I was coming up with a name for my blog, it was far from an easy process. Saying it was a process is actually being pretty generous. It was kind of like staring at a blank wall. Or that feeling when you sit down at your computer to write a paper but you have no idea what you’re going to write about. That was me. I knew I didn’t want to pigeon hole myself into one small little niche...

Finding Your Skin Type

Finding your skin type can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. There are four main types of skin. You can follow these simple guidelines to determine which one fits you best. Dry – This is just how it sounds. Your skin often feels tight and ‘dried out.’ You may have dry, flaky patches. Sometimes it may even become red and itchy from the dryness. There’s no visible oiliness. Normal-Dry – This is what some people would call “normal”...

The Most Important Decision I Ever Made – When I got Saved

The single most important thing that ever happened in my life was when I got Saved. I was six, almost seven years old. The Lord had been dealing with me for a little while, I just didn’t fully realize what was happening. However, that night, it all made sense. We were at Revival at our Church. I couldn’t tell you everything The Preacher preached on that night, but when it came time for the altar call, I knew I had...

Why Start a Blog?

To be honest, I’m not really sure why. Haha. For a long time, in the back of my mind, I’ve always had this thought “You should do a blog.” There are a few things that have fueled this thought. One, I like sharing ideas with other people. I also love helping people, especially helping other women feel beautiful, valued, etc. However, I think there is a little bit of selfish motive in my mind for writing. I’ve always believed the...